Oral Cancer Screenings

Oral Cancer Screenings

Regular oral cancer screening is of the utmost importance as early detection will greatly improve the outcome. Oral cancer is the sixth most common cancer. Common risk factors include heavy sun exposure, tobacco use, alcohol consumption, or infection with HPV. Be assured that our dentists have the skills and proper tools to detect early signs of oral cancer.

Common Signs of Oral Cancer

While the following signs and symptoms may be due to other, less serious factors, it’s always important to visit our office to rule out the possibility of oral cancer.

Red, white, or dark-colored sores or spots in the mouth
A sore that does not heal or bleeds easily
A bumpy or rough spot of irregular tissue
Pain, tenderness, or numbness in the mouth or on the lips
How to prevent Oral Cancer

The number one way to prevent oral cancer is to avoid all tobacco products. Other tips include maintaining a healthy and balanced diet, limiting your UVA/UVB sun exposure, and always wearing protective lotions.

What to expect during an Oral Cancer Screening

The first thing to always remember is to visit your dentist regularly for checkups. Our doctors perform oral cancer screenings as part of each preventive appointment and each screening only takes a few minutes. We will check for oral cancer signs or indicators, including feeling for irregular tissues or bumps in your mouth, neck, and head. If we notice anything unusual or concerning, a biopsy may be recommended for further examination.

Let us put your mind at ease

Frequently Asked Questions

Oral cancer screening is a preventive examination performed by dentists to detect early signs of oral cancer.

It is recommended to have oral cancer screenings at least once a year during your regular dental check-ups.

Common risk factors include heavy sun exposure, tobacco use, alcohol consumption, and infection with HPV (human papillomavirus).

Look for red, white, or dark-colored sores or spots in the mouth, non-healing or easily bleeding sores, rough or irregular tissue, and mouth or lip pain or numbness.

During an oral screening, we will examine your mouth, neck, and head for any signs of oral cancer. They may feel for irregular tissues or bumps and recommend a biopsy if necessary.

Schedule Appointment

You can find us in Turnersville, NJ and Wyndmoor, PA